
Mathematician’s Assistant tries to replicate part of what I do when I work on mathematics.

An ongoing research project by me, Martin C. Martin. Although I’ve been dabbling with this since 2017, the project started in earnest when I started working on it full time in 2022.

I have a Ph.D. in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University, did postdocs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, then worked in industry for almost 2 decades before working on Mathematician’s Assistant full time.

Mathematician’s Assistant was sparked during a conversation with Ravi Vakil in 2016. However, the ideas were a long time coming. I created my first Computer Algebra System on a Commodore PET in middle school in the early 1980s. I’ve always been fascinated with Artificial Intelligence, and used Genetic Programming to evolve computer vision algorithms for my Ph.D.

I’m not a mathematician, although I consider myself to have a “mathematician’s mindset:” I did well in Math classes in undergraduate, and have retained much of that knowledge.